Monday, December 23, 2013

Bundled Up For The Winter


As December and the cold months of winter approach, the barn doors are closed and the equipment is put back in its original place. The last of the tobacco has been hauled to Clarksville and our migrant workers return to their families back in Mexico. Winter chores consist of chopping wood, feeding livestock and catching up on some paperwork. I use much of my downtime quilting, baking, playing music, and making plans for the coming spring. This December we took a trip to North Carolina for a strawberry expo. where we met other growers and learned about the various tasks that must be done throughout the winter. One of those tasks is placing row covers over the strawberries to protect against the harsh temperatures to come. These row covers will stay on until late February unless we have a heat wave that would promote growth underneath the plastic. Much of my free time is spent over at the "PALMER FARM" with my boyfriend Logan. He runs a small dairy and keeps busy with his herd of Jerseys cows. He milks twice a day, cold, rain or sleet and I often join him for the afternoon milking. Sometimes if I have an abundance of free time, I'll take home some fresh milk and make butter or cheese which is always a treat! The winter months provide us with a good break from the summer work, and give us time to plan and come up with new ideas for the year to come.

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