Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Work Days With My Farmer Boy

Calloway County's spring break was this past week, so bright and early Monday morning I put on my rubber boots, tucked my hand written " wish list" of things I wanted done in my pocket, and went to work with my farmer boy. The week was filled with many chores and spring cleanup jobs.
               Day 1 we loaded up the dairy cows and took them to the vet where we could trim their feet, this took all morning and we managed to experience a cow on the loose in the process, but we came home with a trailer load so no one got left behind. That afternoon we got my strawberries sprayed, and spent the rest of the afternoon at the basketball court.
Calving season is here so day 2 was spent fixing new pens for the expected calves soon to be here. The rest of the week consisted of cleaning out old metal, fixing his truck, painting his new gun cabinet                      
  and the daily milking.

 After the chores were done, we would spend several late nights in the shop, listening to the Willie and eating pizza while working on my strawberry sign and chalkboards I wanted built. After several hours spent and a couple trips to Lowes, my sign was complete. It made for a good week!  



  1. Love reading your blog.... keep on writing. You're pretty amazing. Wish I could see you more often. Love you!
